An unknown driver has wiped out the Route 9 Pole Family, a roadside attraction with a large following throughout the area.
According to a witness, the crash happened around 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 4. The driver apparently swerved off the eastbound lane of Route 9, crossed the shoulder and hit the pole where the mannequins have resided for several years. A Delaware State Police spokeswoman said not many details about the incident are available except that it was one car crash and there were no injuries, unless you consider the Pole Family.
Located across from the Vineyards at Nassau Valley community west of Lewes, the Pole Family had become a local social media sensation. They were named George and Millie, and it was a mystery who changed the attire of the family – which at times included baby Pat.
The family was attached to an old load coil in a load pot pole used to amplify a landline telephone signal when there is a long distance involved, said Verizon Communications retiree and Sussex County historian Jim Bowden of Georgetown.